Vineri, 25 Ianuarie 2019 21:22


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Rezolvarea exercițiului de la lecția 8

Fill in the correct form of the verb to be:

1. Jill is at home now.
2. Are you in the office?
3. Daniel is not a student.
4. She is a painter.
5. I am ten years old.
6. They are at school .

Lesson 9      Verbul “ To Have Got”

Verbele “ to have got ” și “ have” au același înțeles, adică “ a avea”, singura diferență este că “have” este folosit mai mult în engleza formală, oficială.

e.g. “I have got a headache” = Mă doare capul. ( În engleza vorbită, informală) și “I have a headache ” = Mă doare capul. / Am o durere de cap. ( în engleza formală, oficială).

Folosim verbul “to have (got)” pentru a vorbi despre posesie, relații, caracteristici sau dureri.


II have got = eu am
You have got = tu ai
He has got = el are
She has got = ea are

It has got = el/ea (obiect animal, fenomen al naturii) areIt has got = el/ea (obiect animal, fenomen al naturii) are
We have got = noi avemWe have got = noi avem
You have got  = voi aveți
They have got = ei, ele auThey have got = ei, ele au

e.g.  She  has got a new car. =  Ea are o mașină nouă.e.g.  She  has got a new car. =  Ea are o mașină nouă.


Have I got? =  Am eu?
Have you got? = Ai tu?
Has he got ? = Are el?
Has she got? = Are ea?
Has it got ? =  Are el/ea?Has it got ? =  Are el/ea?
Have we got? = Avem noi?Have we got? = Avem noi?
Have you got? = Aveți voi?
Have they got?  = Au ei/ele?Have they got?  = Au ei/ele?

e.g. Has she got a new car? = Are ea o mașină nouă?e.g. Has she got a new car? = Are ea o mașină nouă?


I have not got (haven’t got) =  eu nu am
You have not got = tu nu ai
He has not got (hasn’t got) = el nu are
She has not got = ea nu are
It has not got = el/ea nu areIt has not got = el/ea nu are
We have not got = noi nu avemWe have not got = noi nu avem
You have not got = voi nu avețiYou have not got = voi nu aveți
They have not got = ei/ele nu auThey have not got = ei/ele nu au

e.g. She has not got a new car = Ea nu are o mașină nouă.

Exercise: Fill in the correct form of “to have” (have or has):

1. Tom _____________ got a blue hat.

2. We ______________got two dogs.

3. I ________________ got a toothache.

4. Peter and John  ___________ got a lot of toys.

5. ______________you got a black cat?

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Prof. Diaconu Claudia facebook: Diaconu Claudia

Citit 1638 ori Ultima modificare Vineri, 01 Februarie 2019 22:21
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