Vineri, 11 Ianuarie 2019 22:04


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Rezolvarea exercițiului din numărul anterior:Rezolvarea exercițiului din numărul anterior:Underline the right word in each of the pairs:

1. New Year’s Eve is the lasted/last day of the year.

2. It is a good time to say/look goodbye to the old year.

3. In a lot of countries, people go back to their hometown/office.

4. The New Year’s Eve party is usual/usually in someone’s home.

5. People have lots of good memories/memory of New Year’s Eve.


Lesson 6: Let’s ask and say the time! = Sa întrebăm și să spunem cât este ora!

Pentru a intreba: Cat este ora? putem folosi: ’’What time is it? sau ’’What’s the time?’’Sunt doua modalitati de a raspunde la aceasta intrebare:

1. In engleza neoficiala putem spune intai ora si apoi minutele:

e.g 6.25 = It’s six twenty – five     

9.10 = It’s nine ten     

2.40 = It’s two forty

2. In engleza oficiala spunem intai minutele si apoi ora.

a) Daca este or fix, folosim o’clock= fixe.g 1.00 = It’s one o’clock.

b) Daca ora este si ceva, folosim particula ’’past’’ = trecut de;e.g 10.20 = It’s twenty past ten.     

4.15 = It’s quarter past four.     

5.30 = It’s half past five.’’quarter’’ = sfert; half = jumatate

c) Daca ora este fara ceva, folosim particula’’ to ’’ = pana la 

e.g 7 fara 10 = It’s ten to seven.

10 fara 5 = It’s five to ten.

12 fara 15 = It’s quarter to twelve.e.g ’’ What time is it?’’ ( Cat este ceasul?)’’

It’s five to eleven’’( Este 11 fara 5)

Folosim prepozitia ’’at’’ = la cand ne referim la ora unui eveniment.’

’ The bus arrives at midday’’= Autobuzul soseste la ora 12 ziua (la pranz).’

’ The train leaves at half past two’’ = Trenul pleaca la doua si jumatate.

’’a.m vs p.m !’’ (anti meridian vs post meridian)

Nu folosim ceasul cu 24 de ore in engleza. Folosim a.m pentru intervalul dintre 12 noaptea si 12 ziua si p.m intre intervalul dintre 12 ziua si 12 noaptea.

e.g ’’What’s the time?’’ ( Cat este ceasul?)’

’It’s 3 a.m ’’= Este ora 3 noaptea.

‘’’It’s 1 p.m = Este ora 1 ziua.



Put the words form the box into the right place:

Three Past    It’s   

To       Half     O’clock

1. 9.05 : It’s five ___ nine.

2. 6.30 : It’s ___ past six.

3. 3.20 : It’s twenty past ___ .

4. 11.35 : It’s thirty-five ___ eleven.

5. 7.00 : It’s seven ___ . 

6. 10.25 : ___  twenty-five past ten.


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Citit 4122 ori Ultima modificare Sâmbătă, 19 Ianuarie 2019 00:54
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